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seaHWANG Wrote:im guessing 4/4 and 5/5 means the dex and str and not the int/luck

but im guessing sin's are better than everybody including spearmans, correct?

i am thinking about starting a sin, but any advice on the IDEAL, the BEST base stats??? for the best char of course (sin?)

thanks guys=)
unfunded sins(starting a sin as your first character) is an extremely bad idea... sins without funds arent fun to play. sins are the 2 extremes... an extremely rich sin has the power to lvl the fastest out of any character... an extremely poor sin lvls the slowest.
here is a comparison of who can deal the most dmg in 3rd job.. note.. this isnt mine i dont take credit for it blah blah blah....
aguyfromsleepywood Wrote:Actual damage output calculations (with 3rd job skills)

All the damage is based on the assumption that the creature has no defense. The red number beside the damage shows how many times the monster defense will reduce ur damage.

Power strike with ice charge (elemental advantage), 7228-13051, 1
Power strike with fire charge (elemental advantage), 8261-14916, 1
Power strike with lighting charge (elemental advantage), 8605-15537, 1

Power strike with combo attack, 6987-12616, 1
Panic with 5 orbs, 32178-58100, 5
Coma with 5 orbs, 18387-33200, 5

Dragon Knight
Buster with spear, 12720-18947, 3
Buster with polearm, 6494-15833, 3
Fury with polearm, 6235-9288, 1
Fury with spear, 3183-7761, 1

Lucky 7 + shadow partner, 5821-20385, 4

Chief Bandit
Savage blow, 6100-10684, 6
Thieves, 2869-4674, 1
Assaulter, 5718-10016, 1
Mesos explosion, 100k, 20

Strafe, 5056-18032, 4
Arrow rain, 2022-3606, 1
Fire shot (elemental advantage), 2844-5071, 1

Strafe, 5424-19368, 4
Arrow eruption, 2169-3873, 1
Ice shot (elemental advantage), 2847-5084, 1

Ice Mage
Ice strike (elemental advantage), 3416-5694, 1
Thunder spear (elemental advantage), 6453-10756, 1
Magic composition (elemental advantage), 5315-8859, 1

Fire Mage
Explosion (elemental advantage), 4555-7593, 1
Magic composition (elemental advantage), 5694-9491, 1

Shining ray (elemental advantage), 2952-4921, 1
Summon dragon, 2812-4687, 1
i would choose a fire mage.. and follow a guide from sleepywood or onrpg... all other sites generally suck.

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