01-05-2006, 08:46 AM
The_Klaggel2 Wrote:Please stop using easyplay v1.8 immediately as it will get you banned. On the 2.0b version, open up the easyplay.ini file and scroll down a little until you see:
DrawLevelTargetVector="TRUE"; //draws a vector to level target (see LevelTargets)
DrawWaypointVector="TRUE"; //draws a vector to waypoint (see WaypointTargets)
Change both of the "TRUE" statements to "FALSE" statements.
Uhh, where in the doc. or site of gamemunchers.net does it say scroll down, and change True --> False? (if it does, my fault)
Do not use any versions that are lower than 2.0 right now, theres been bannings in August for EasyMap, and Bannings a few weeks ago for EasyPlay, but the new 2.0 version should fix it.
In order to use 2.0, you need to download, then extract all files into a folder. Heres what the doc says :
1) Load EasyPlay in a channel and join a Battle.Net game
2) Diablo II should quit and create a FAILED_MODSIGS.txt file
3) Open Failed_MODSIGS.txt
4) Copy the 64 numbers after "Failed with unknown signature: " from your FAILED_MODSIGS.txt into your MODSIGS.txt file into a new line
5) Close and save MODSIGS.txt
Side Step: Open Modsigs.txt, and delete those numbers on the bottom, then paste in the 64 number those numbers do not correspond and could potentially get you banned.
After you copy the 64 numbers into Modsig.txt, save and exit. Load up d2, log in, load Easy Play in channel, and join a game. If game auto. exits for you, then 1) you entered 64 # wrong, or 2) theres another sig that u need to enter as well) .
If it plays fine, then have fun, Easyplay is working.
Note: I in no way endorse this or garantee safe maphack, im just explain how to work it since i used it for a day or 2.