01-10-2006, 09:30 AM
mathalamus-a Wrote:hmm mabye ur right.. ill just back off of flame wars and never go there again
cya legit players with a ton of skill wasted by that mass bandevilish: 1 more thing when im old enof and blizz STILL scans 4 files including personal ones ill sue them! thenhost their servers and allow mh and kill warden 4 ever bwahahahahaha
and yes it is a stupid thread
ya im a dumb newb 1 time it took me 8 barb to perfect it
my mother dosent know anything
racist coment is bad canada help u guys in world war 2.....idiot
you should learn how to spell...
also, do u think blizzard is stupid? do u think they would do acts stupid enough so that even a retarded 10 year old would be able to sue them? if you could think of something so simple, (which u probably didnt) i think there would be millions of lawsuits going around suing the hell out of blizzard, and blizzard would go out of business.
so in conclusion, you dont know what the hell your talking about and should shutup, if you dont have anything intelectually stimulating to contribute to the d2sector community.