01-10-2006, 09:38 AM
mathalamus-a Wrote:hmm mabye ur right.. ill just back off of flame wars and never go there again
cya legit players with a ton of skill wasted by that mass bandevilish: 1 more thing when im old enof and blizz STILL scans 4 files including personal ones ill sue them! thenhost their servers and allow mh and kill warden 4 ever bwahahahahaha
and yes it is a stupid thread
ya im a dumb newb 1 time it took me 8 barb to perfect it
my mother dosent know anything
racist coment is bad canada help u guys in world war 2.....idiot
You wasted alot of skill by joining! -20 Vitality f0r yu0!
And.. If you sued Blizzard, I wonder who'd win? A Billion dollar company, or some 18 year old working at Burger King? You do the math genius.