03-02-2006, 11:29 AM
bigdeath Wrote:Hammerdin can be cheap. You can substitute hoto for wizspike. Shako is cheap if you dont use hoz use a pally spirit with good resist and bam your in business. The only thing you really need is nigma and once you get that and bot a while the other peices will come. A sorc really needs sojs shako occy coh infinity and all that crap, so in my opinion the hammerdin is actually cheaper to start with.
wtf are you talking about... everyone really... if you can afford tals armor and ammy then youre good with the light sorc. hammerdins are only worth the trouble if you wanna bot trav.
my sorc has full tals & lidless magefist fcr rings and reapers toll tals helm gris armor on merc.. i started botting at 75 and im now 93. she died only once, and it was a laggy day.
i bot on two pcs one with hammerdin and the other with light sorc with no es.