Barbs are a good choice for duelling because they are very adaptable:
foh + 4 topaz monarch + tg = ez pk
light sorc + 4 topaz monarch + tg + wispi = ez pk
fire sorc + hotspur = ez pk
cold sorc + dual raven = ez pk
wind + storm + verdango = difficult if the druid is good
light ama + 4 topaz monarch + tg = ez pk
barb with full block = nothing much you can do here unless you have full block aswell or massive poison damage and better ar.
dual weapon barb + ber ber coa + verdango = ez pk
any necro = 1 hit pk with berserk
smiter + angelic + full block + ber ber coa + verdango + draculs + gores + beast = difficult but doale basically since the chane to hit is small go all out for ow or poison with grief.
hammerdin + widowmaker + deamon limb = difficult but doable
Can't think of any more duel chars at the monent.
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He is correct, barbs need by far the most expencive duel eq and a lot of it for different opponets, I basically have a eq mule in game with me when I duel. Public duelling is full of noobs who spam profanitis and so on after they have made a medocre foh or smiter and have managed to kill some poorer people.
foh + 4 topaz monarch + tg = ez pk
light sorc + 4 topaz monarch + tg + wispi = ez pk
fire sorc + hotspur = ez pk
cold sorc + dual raven = ez pk
wind + storm + verdango = difficult if the druid is good
light ama + 4 topaz monarch + tg = ez pk
barb with full block = nothing much you can do here unless you have full block aswell or massive poison damage and better ar.
dual weapon barb + ber ber coa + verdango = ez pk
any necro = 1 hit pk with berserk
smiter + angelic + full block + ber ber coa + verdango + draculs + gores + beast = difficult but doale basically since the chane to hit is small go all out for ow or poison with grief.
hammerdin + widowmaker + deamon limb = difficult but doable
Can't think of any more duel chars at the monent.
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omgbbq Wrote:u ppl are retards, barbs can own ANY CLASs if
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i say ww barbs kick ass, u ppl are retards. barbs can have over 7k life with bo. u just need to have extremely expensive gear
He is correct, barbs need by far the most expencive duel eq and a lot of it for different opponets, I basically have a eq mule in game with me when I duel. Public duelling is full of noobs who spam profanitis and so on after they have made a medocre foh or smiter and have managed to kill some poorer people.