08-11-2003, 05:46 PM
Yesterday on 6:03 P.M,Teletubies were sighted in a floored building holding illegal military weapons,naturly,Teens and adults alike came screaming out of the door,children were crying and a few corpses were on the floor,police suspect that teletubies has gone mad becasue of their low show ratings,police chief says"Lock all doors and windows,the swat team and military are now guarding the floored building,we believe Teletubies have hostages and are demanding 50 Billion $$$$,All of Diablo II LOD's unique and set items and a schedule that will include,praying to teletubies like god and watching the show 12 times a day"Further news wil be reported at ten
o clock. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I made that up :lol:
Yesterday on 6:03 P.M,Teletubies were sighted in a floored building holding illegal military weapons,naturly,Teens and adults alike came screaming out of the door,children were crying and a few corpses were on the floor,police suspect that teletubies has gone mad becasue of their low show ratings,police chief says"Lock all doors and windows,the swat team and military are now guarding the floored building,we believe Teletubies have hostages and are demanding 50 Billion $$$$,All of Diablo II LOD's unique and set items and a schedule that will include,praying to teletubies like god and watching the show 12 times a day"Further news wil be reported at ten
o clock. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I made that up :lol: