there are also items like Gale Grasps, Storm Circlet, Armagedon fletch, SSpurs, Gspurs, slipper (pala ammy), all NL USEast duped items. They have been brought over to USEast SC L by all the duping hackers, and it's completely retarded.
I wish hackers would just learn to **** off and quit Diablo II, because the B.Net lag, it's commnig from the dupers. In order to dupe, you need lag, therefore they create lag fr B.Net and dupe their pretty little items, trade them and allow B.Net to lag while deleting these items from people inventories from which they traded legit items for.
I wish hackers would just learn to **** off and quit Diablo II, because the B.Net lag, it's commnig from the dupers. In order to dupe, you need lag, therefore they create lag fr B.Net and dupe their pretty little items, trade them and allow B.Net to lag while deleting these items from people inventories from which they traded legit items for.