04-10-2004, 12:18 AM
I would heard that stupid sound knowing IM was cast then stand there getting hammered and hope my Amazon Merc would pick them off.
The only reason I even go into Diablo's sanc in Hell is to get a rare or unique for killing him. But doing it guarntees losing 25% of exp for every death.
I'm also pretty ticked at 1.10 planting these uniques bosses who explode when you kill them. Thanks that's real nice. trying to experience up in Ancienty's Way just to have some looser hell Lord blow up in my face and kill me.
btw... I'm a lvl 90 barb with Hand of Justice (RW) and Call to Arms (RW), Corpsmourne, Areat's face and then some orphan's call stuff. Never battlenet'ed. Just a loser single player. Never found a SOJ but man, do I have some cool stuff to trade....
Right now I would give ANYTHING for a 6 socked Colussus Sword so I can make a Breath of the Dying". I have all the runes for it but don't want to put it ina lame phase blade. I think I'll post a new thread on that one.
The only reason I even go into Diablo's sanc in Hell is to get a rare or unique for killing him. But doing it guarntees losing 25% of exp for every death.
I'm also pretty ticked at 1.10 planting these uniques bosses who explode when you kill them. Thanks that's real nice. trying to experience up in Ancienty's Way just to have some looser hell Lord blow up in my face and kill me.
btw... I'm a lvl 90 barb with Hand of Justice (RW) and Call to Arms (RW), Corpsmourne, Areat's face and then some orphan's call stuff. Never battlenet'ed. Just a loser single player. Never found a SOJ but man, do I have some cool stuff to trade....
Right now I would give ANYTHING for a 6 socked Colussus Sword so I can make a Breath of the Dying". I have all the runes for it but don't want to put it ina lame phase blade. I think I'll post a new thread on that one.