04-10-2004, 05:58 PM
y dont we all make a clan wit everyone here in it? but only play ladder USwest and i have 2 accounts 1 is windforce-might wit the highest char being a lvl 78 bowazon (of course i have a wf on it duh) but the better pker i have is my lvl 69 bone nec, i was owning peeps 10+ lvls and higher wit that char! oh and my other account is may-lord***er wit a lvl 70 javazon and a 48 fire sorc and a lvl 20 hammerdin...i got some pretty good stuff on that acct i have a templars might two marrowalks and stuff like that.........so if u want we can all be in a clan..but wat sux is for some reason i cant connect to bnet right now, for like 4 days! man that sux