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Position??? How to get to the coordinate???
I have a question about the bot using of d2jsp rolleyes:

I want to make to the MephXP Bot (which its work grate with the trick of the river) the Pindle Bot too... but the Bot is too near to Pindle!!! How I can make it just my Sorc just see Pindle or one of his minions and then she had to attack???
I've already testing with the positions of the PindleXP Bot... but cant get to the place where i want to be^^
When i tested to change it I got crazy because i think the map coordinates are not like they are normal????
normaly the value raise if you go up from the y-coordinate and raise if going right in the x-coordinate.
But i think it goes like that...
Value is less if you go up from the y-coordinate and raise if going right in the x-coordinate.
Is this right??? eek:

Perhaps is there a programm which shows your coordnate where u are stand???

Greetz TEXHO wacky:

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Position??? How to get to the coordinate??? - by TEXHO - 04-15-2006, 08:34 PM

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