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Your best teamkill?
I hardly play anymore but back in college I thought I was pretty good, but anyways just drop a reply about your 'best' team kills

Anyways we were on cs_italy getting owned by the T's, and I'd spent all my money on m4/armor etc the last round so I was going out naked. Most our team got killed right off so it was me and the our team leader (he had the most frags) that were left, so I decided to huddle in the corner of the room that windows CT's could jump up through.

The T's were getting pretty daring (as in, leaving hostages and rushing us) so I was expecting to get killed any second, so from a crouch I instantly squeezed one off when my team leader came running through and jumped out the window, and I got him right in the f'ing dome

Another great teamkill of mine was when i was AWP'ing on one of my favorite servers when my Dorm RA came in and started bs'ing with me. My team was doing very good so I felt comfortable getting up and looking for a PS2 game for him to borrow, and while I was digging through my stuff he took the mouse, took aim at a teamate who just happened to be a clanmate of the admins and POW!

Needless to say my ban was swift and permanent.

Messages In This Thread
Your best teamkill? - by A.D. - 05-02-2006, 05:27 AM
Your best teamkill? - by Irrelevant - 05-02-2006, 05:33 AM

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