05-07-2006, 05:31 PM
yea umm i really just joined this forum like 2 minutes ago so im not really sure hot to post my own threads.......i have a question..
Does anyone here know how to make and ebug coh. i used to think you just had to find a superior 4soc archon plate that was eth and indestructable.....but everyone tells me thats wrong. so do any of you guys know how. i would really appreciate the info, thanks
ParisInFlames:Wont be online for a few weeks maybe longerconfused:
Does anyone here know how to make and ebug coh. i used to think you just had to find a superior 4soc archon plate that was eth and indestructable.....but everyone tells me thats wrong. so do any of you guys know how. i would really appreciate the info, thanks
ParisInFlames:Wont be online for a few weeks maybe longerconfused: