04-18-2004, 11:05 AM
ok im asking all the ppl that posted on this thread a huge favor i had a ''legendary'' USwest non ladder acct (a friend from school was nice enough to give it to me) that got hacked and i had a lvl 75 mf sorc with this gear: isted shako, isted occy, blackcloak luna shield, 1 soj, 1 ravenfrost, a +2 skills ammy, isted eth skullders, snowclash belt, 20x7% mfsc's wit 5 to all res (thats 100 to all res total WOW) war travs 50%mf, and 4 cold gcs, if i could get all that stuff from ne one (thats over 900mf) i would be eternally greatful (oh ya and a lvl 36 blizz wit 5.6k dmg) and when i go mfing i will give all the stuff i find to ne one that wants it for free then after that ill go mfing for myself and ne item that u would need i could get for sure i would soooo grateful if i had all that stuff thx in advance if u can