04-18-2004, 05:31 PM
well one day i wanted an anni realli bad so i made a game saying "bring anni here." some pally dood comes along and i say "ok lets go trade." he says "lets do it in act2." i say,"ok man." then i thought,"it better not be another scam." so we go to act2 and then he runs over to the long horizontal wall below fara and that dood who only sells potions. "stand at the bottom," he says. i do as i was told. i didnt think there could possibly be a scam here. i set the game to only two ppl limit so no one but me and him were there. so then he drops his anni. i drop my stuff that i was gonna trade. i walk lyk 3 steps then BAM. D2 ERROR blah blah blah crap. it shuts down my d2 and im guessin he somehow knew or did somethin to cause my d2 to crash. anyone know how the hell he did that??? :mad: