05-21-2006, 03:33 PM
jedimaster86 Wrote:SBA - My vote goes to you. Pretty nicely done, at first I wasn't so sure about the greenish coloring, but I'm cool with it. Also, the text seems a bit fuzzy. In terms of the border, I guess it would depend on your forum bg or whatev (mine happens to be dark so white looks kinda odd, but whatever works for your forum color).
Dannation - Very nice text and the tealish thing at the bottom to go with it (best text of the bunch), except it seems a bit too empty for me (aka seems like a bit too much bg and render in the corner, although I can tell why it's there). Otherwise I would have voted for you.
Ghost - I'm not sure about the sig - I usually like to know what's in it, and the render (whatever kind of machine or beast it is that seems to have multiple hands and holding some kind of axe, sword, and shield; no idea) seems a bit too complicated for my tastes. The bg is nicely done; doesn't seem like it really goes with the render too well however.
UGM - Kinda like dustoid said and what I said about Ghost; my first assumptions were that it was some kind of ship and multiple ships, not exactly sure; also the text prolly could've gone better with the sig.
Chicken - Pretty nice brushing; just seems a bit too yellowish and prolly could've done a bit better on text.
It was a pretty tough vote; gj all, and good job getting a SOTW running here.
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?