05-25-2006, 11:47 PM
tx3000 Wrote:1st:
PPl need to understand that all MF does is increase the frequency of magic items: it will not better you're chances to get anything.
Here's a couple of retarded/contradictory quotations. You say that MF increases the frequency of magic items. That's true and that's also already proof enough that MF helps you find better items.
Quote:haveing 500% will not get u any closer to getting anything decent than having none or very little (Such is the case with me)
You go on to bash that people can't do in game tests because of variables blah blah blah. So your experiences in finding good items with little or no MF must be unique to you, since you say that no tests can be done.
Quote:Only reason MF% is there to begin with is to get more of them...not the type and qualityWrong. MF increases the number of magical/multi-modded items that appear (you even said that earlier). Thus, more MF increases the appearance of blue and unique items.