04-19-2004, 11:41 AM
A pally with: Doom, Um Zak, Enigma, 40/12 verdungos (not sure), perfect ravenfrost, viper whorl, vamp gloves, gorerider, 40 15 ias gaze, highlords ammy, 3/6/4 cta (not sure, i just know that it gives you +6 to bo) and lidless, in inventory it have 20 3/20/20 (or around that) 10 3/20/5 (3 ar, 20 life, 5 run/walk) and some 5% fhr (like 8 or less dont remember)
Its a zealer, 20 zeal, 20 holy shield, 20 fanat, 20 sacrifice (zeal synergie) and some points into defiance (holy shield synergie)
Its a zealer, 20 zeal, 20 holy shield, 20 fanat, 20 sacrifice (zeal synergie) and some points into defiance (holy shield synergie)