08-09-2007, 10:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-09-2007, 10:44 PM by FraterPerdurabo.)
Zero, you are either dire at this game or have never played a Warlock ;o
1) Do not enter BG's early, especially at level 10, since you will be in the 10-19 bracket and will get destroyed by virtually everyone. In addition, at low levels you get very little honour (~1-5 a kill or so) and since the only BGs that you can do are AB and WSG, which suck for honour anyway, you will be in for a major waste of time. All the BG items cost ~thousands of honour, so this will not be a viable way of getting gear. In addition, it will make you feel stupid if you spend days getting this item and a few levels later discard it because you got a way better one from a simple quest.
2) Like somone already said, bigges soul pouch is 28 slots and it is actually quite pricey. You shouldn't concentrate on getting it before lvl70, unless this lock is your alt and you have tons of gold to spend.
3) Warlock is definately not fairly balanced. It's probably one of the best 1v1 classes out there for PvP. In addition, warlocks completely dominate DPS meters in endgame raiding.
4) Using your imp to tank is pretty silly, since you have to wait for him to recover, while you can just bandage / eat / drink / Life Tap. If a warlock is played correctly, you'll have virtually no downtime whatsoever.
5) As for a spec, Affliction is definately win for leveling. Go deep affliction (however when I was leveling my lock, I put 5/5 Fel Stamina [I think that's what it was called, 1st tier talent in Demonology tree] until level 50. At level 50, you can either choose to continue as Affliction, or you can spec Demonology for the Felguard. Felguard will certainly make your leveling a lot easier (it's like having a mediocre dps warrior with you), however if you've grasped the basics, you shouldn't have any problems with leveling as Affliction as well. However, Felguard is the definate solo build.
As you hit 70, I'd recommend speccing back to Affliction for instance running. Demonology is fine as well, but it will gimp your dps and it's certainly not a PvE build. Once you have some decent gear and already have Karazhan on farm, you can spec Destruction, which has a slighly higher damage output on a single target. For 25man raiding, either Affliction or Destruction are fine, while the former is preferred.
edit: the extra 15% Stamina 5 point talent is Demonic Embrace. After you have that, I'd recommend Improved Corruption immediately, definate win.
1) Do not enter BG's early, especially at level 10, since you will be in the 10-19 bracket and will get destroyed by virtually everyone. In addition, at low levels you get very little honour (~1-5 a kill or so) and since the only BGs that you can do are AB and WSG, which suck for honour anyway, you will be in for a major waste of time. All the BG items cost ~thousands of honour, so this will not be a viable way of getting gear. In addition, it will make you feel stupid if you spend days getting this item and a few levels later discard it because you got a way better one from a simple quest.
2) Like somone already said, bigges soul pouch is 28 slots and it is actually quite pricey. You shouldn't concentrate on getting it before lvl70, unless this lock is your alt and you have tons of gold to spend.
3) Warlock is definately not fairly balanced. It's probably one of the best 1v1 classes out there for PvP. In addition, warlocks completely dominate DPS meters in endgame raiding.
4) Using your imp to tank is pretty silly, since you have to wait for him to recover, while you can just bandage / eat / drink / Life Tap. If a warlock is played correctly, you'll have virtually no downtime whatsoever.
5) As for a spec, Affliction is definately win for leveling. Go deep affliction (however when I was leveling my lock, I put 5/5 Fel Stamina [I think that's what it was called, 1st tier talent in Demonology tree] until level 50. At level 50, you can either choose to continue as Affliction, or you can spec Demonology for the Felguard. Felguard will certainly make your leveling a lot easier (it's like having a mediocre dps warrior with you), however if you've grasped the basics, you shouldn't have any problems with leveling as Affliction as well. However, Felguard is the definate solo build.
As you hit 70, I'd recommend speccing back to Affliction for instance running. Demonology is fine as well, but it will gimp your dps and it's certainly not a PvE build. Once you have some decent gear and already have Karazhan on farm, you can spec Destruction, which has a slighly higher damage output on a single target. For 25man raiding, either Affliction or Destruction are fine, while the former is preferred.
edit: the extra 15% Stamina 5 point talent is Demonic Embrace. After you have that, I'd recommend Improved Corruption immediately, definate win.