Are you talking about sumplements like Andro or likes there of? I've taken all different kinds of shit in my day and the best thing I found was to take a multivitamin, workout hard and consistently(protein shake right after ur workout), eat like a horse (not shit food), and sleep at least 8 hours. At my peak, I weighed 195 and could bench press about 300lb. I could bench my body weight like 15 times. The only other thing I might suggest is 100% creatine. Take about 10 grams aday and it will help you recover from your workouts. You should cycle the stuff tho, maybe 6 weeks on and then 6 weeks off and drink lots of water while taking it. Remember man, anything that sounds too good to be true, is! There has been no long term testing on some of that shiz and the FDA doesn't regulate their claims. If you wanna c some insane shiz, search for "ronnie is captain insano" in google video and watch that beast workout. That man is striaght gorilla unit! Peace
ps- my roomate used testosterone in college and his back and face looked like shit and he turned into the biggest ****head ever, not cool. Don't mess with the hard stuff, trust me!
ps- my roomate used testosterone in college and his back and face looked like shit and he turned into the biggest ****head ever, not cool. Don't mess with the hard stuff, trust me!