08-12-2007, 10:38 PM
alright, i was reading AlmostDeadly's guide and i got a crazy idea and wanted to run it past you guys. The idea is a melee necromancer. Have the bone armor stats and the synergies maxed, iron Maiden, amplify damage, Life Tap, Decriptify, and Dim vision maxed out (or whatever you want maxed out) ; raise strength, dex if you want max block, and vitality. the equipment could be additions like Bramble and other ideas that add bonuses to life, strength, FHR, and whatever else you need. Well, that was pretty much the idea I had, and it may be unorigional but I wanted to have a feedback on it.
KazeCloud Wrote:Barges in*
Hey guys. I want to argue about falling off the face of the earth.