08-13-2007, 12:31 AM
well, I thought it would be fairly cool, having a meleemancer and all. Having the skeletons would also help out a lot. along with a Clay or Fire golem, throw in resists and thorns aura and the build might be a decent PvMP (melee player). Against spellcasters though the build would have to either have teleport from the egnima (spelling?) or else it would have itself ripped a new one. It would be a build I'd like to work on, but am undecided on. My computer BTW is also crashing a lot on my connection, so Bnet wont run for long. We could create a guide and see wether or not someone else would be willing to try it out.
KazeCloud Wrote:Barges in*
Hey guys. I want to argue about falling off the face of the earth.