You'll find that the most intelligent discussion about character builds goes on at Check there if you have any questions but making a bvb barb isn't that difficult items depend on wether you play on nl or on ladder. nl in a way is better for bvb because you have eth bugged items eg. et bugged arreats. On ladder you wanna be using a eth sacred forti, just have a couple or if dura runs low unsox, zod the armor, unsox and make another forti. For bvb it's best to use masteries skillers because of the significant increase in def, ar and damage, wc skillers are not good because there is no ar/damage bonus and 322s don't add def.
Edit: remember that bvb is about 10% skill and 90% eq therefore mostly only rich people have bvb chars.
Edit: remember that bvb is about 10% skill and 90% eq therefore mostly only rich people have bvb chars.