07-02-2006, 07:16 PM
Quote:Well I don't see how it is legit, isn't duping like agaisnt b.net rules? I don't know I'm just asking but I would think that it is.
he meant the program is legitimate program not a legit way of getting items lolzors
but really, if it isnt a lag dupe and a real program duper how would this guy prove it to you?
if he dropped 41hrs i think i would believe that.. 40 max # of spots in invent right? so drop one extra so it proves he doesnt have a whole stash of hrs and is jacking you
i dunno, but i go to ebay once i heard bout these things just to look and laugh, and i saw a lot of ppl trying to sell those programs with a believable story to go with it too
(i.e. i own a very well diablo 2 item store (which i would not like to mention)and have made a big profit, but as of now im sick of just sitting in front of a computer making my living, i wanna pursue other aspects of my life, so here it is folks a legit program where i have made my living off of.)
see that makes sense, but it could be a dupe on closed or something lol
ok no more from me