07-18-2006, 05:43 PM
In pvp poison necs without enis don't survive and in pvm it's also nice to be able to tele, bramble is mainly ment for assassins or mercs. If you don't tele then you could find yourself in a position where your opponent is using death's gloves and iratha ammy and then you are a sitting duck. Most people are not prepared to go agaist poison builds but then again most people have no idea about pvp.
Best would be to make a iron golem out of beast.
For bo use cta and eth spirit if you don't have enough str.
Since you are a summoner/poison hybrid dream isn't needed on your merc use a coa/shako or something like that.
To be honest this is a ok pvm build but doesn't do that well in pvp.
Note: in pvp you might wanna use carrion wind because of poison creep, when the creep hits it will kill low lifers with it's poison.
Best would be to make a iron golem out of beast.
For bo use cta and eth spirit if you don't have enough str.
Since you are a summoner/poison hybrid dream isn't needed on your merc use a coa/shako or something like that.
To be honest this is a ok pvm build but doesn't do that well in pvp.
Note: in pvp you might wanna use carrion wind because of poison creep, when the creep hits it will kill low lifers with it's poison.