07-20-2006, 08:45 AM
hp-kp Wrote:i have a way to create a massive amount of lag... dont know if it would help anyway in dupe, but the lag is so great that when you walk it look slike your invisble and walking in and out of town makes you drop from the game.
Maybe, we could try something with it if you'd like, throw me a message.
Arc-lxk74p Wrote:what is it with people and duping, its damn near impossible to do and just not cool, if u cant get rich on ur own then dont resort to duping, also if blizz finds duped items on ur account better kiss it goodbye
If it's "near" impossible and we get it to work. what's not cool about that? and you can't just dupe a bunch of crap and get rich, you have to have at least decent stuff to dupe. and if they find duped items on your account, who's to say you didn't trade for them to get them? /gg.