*Pamela accepts the offered wine and smiles warmly,leaning back in her seat to relax* <My Thanks kind sir>
<I will recount my adventures in time,the Bar seems to be doing quite well>
*Raising her glass she lifts her glass in a silent salute*
*Sipping the beverage slowly ,she looks about the room to see what changes had occered while she was away*
*Noticing many new faces,she ponders at their thoughts.Do they seek a mere refreshing drink?Do they sit heads bent at plots or mischief?*
~Thinking to herself ,Pamela suspects that most are at the Bar for a respite from a long day and simply want refresment and companionship~
*Grinning to herself over her thoughts,Pamela Tosses her long braided hair over he shoulder ...patiently listening to the conversations around her*
<I will recount my adventures in time,the Bar seems to be doing quite well>
*Raising her glass she lifts her glass in a silent salute*
*Sipping the beverage slowly ,she looks about the room to see what changes had occered while she was away*
*Noticing many new faces,she ponders at their thoughts.Do they seek a mere refreshing drink?Do they sit heads bent at plots or mischief?*
~Thinking to herself ,Pamela suspects that most are at the Bar for a respite from a long day and simply want refresment and companionship~
*Grinning to herself over her thoughts,Pamela Tosses her long braided hair over he shoulder ...patiently listening to the conversations around her*
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...