07-27-2006, 08:44 AM
I'm a TA-Fan also Dark, TA>Starcraft
I see your reasoning. Different strokes I suppose, I stayed loyal to the quake series before my good compter went to shit on me. I did play UT2k5 for a while but that was when my system was showing it's age. But I did have lots of fun on it
Guess I cant bash on Perfect Dark too much then, I never played the 64 version yet I've never seen it included amongst the greatest games and from what I understand the latest installments have been rather lackluster.
I see your reasoning. Different strokes I suppose, I stayed loyal to the quake series before my good compter went to shit on me. I did play UT2k5 for a while but that was when my system was showing it's age. But I did have lots of fun on it
Guess I cant bash on Perfect Dark too much then, I never played the 64 version yet I've never seen it included amongst the greatest games and from what I understand the latest installments have been rather lackluster.