*With a warm smile and twinkling eyes,Pamela nods her head in deference,leaving Allpone to his assigned task*
*Tossing her long braid over her shoulder ,in a somewhat careless manner,a sudden movement in the shadows,catches The Lady Pamela's eye*
*With a wry grinat her own curiousity,she scoops up her cat and meanders in the direction from whence the movement seemed to have originated from*
*Kitty,grows wrestless in her arms and jumps down,baring Pamela's way*
*Feeling a sudden emotion,like a blast in her mind one thought seers its way through..NO,NO!!!**A sudden prickly feeling causes her skin to crawl,and her heart pounds faster,as she gasps for air*
*Not knowingly,her hand strokes the amulate about her slim neck,and with no reak forthought of heractions,Pamela draws her Dagger,assuming a defensive stance*
*The sound of tortured moaning is heard,as a dark shadow races past her,and whispers in a language she can not comprehend,teases her mind with familiarity*
*With her weight on the balls of her feet she pivots,using the dagger to slash as the shadow streaks by*
*The only sound heard,as her dagger touches darkness,is wicked laughter*
*Sudden lethargy overtakes Pamela,and she sinks slowly to the floor*
*Before she is completely passed out,Kitty comes to watch over her*
*Tossing her long braid over her shoulder ,in a somewhat careless manner,a sudden movement in the shadows,catches The Lady Pamela's eye*
*With a wry grinat her own curiousity,she scoops up her cat and meanders in the direction from whence the movement seemed to have originated from*
*Kitty,grows wrestless in her arms and jumps down,baring Pamela's way*
*Feeling a sudden emotion,like a blast in her mind one thought seers its way through..NO,NO!!!**A sudden prickly feeling causes her skin to crawl,and her heart pounds faster,as she gasps for air*
*Not knowingly,her hand strokes the amulate about her slim neck,and with no reak forthought of heractions,Pamela draws her Dagger,assuming a defensive stance*
*The sound of tortured moaning is heard,as a dark shadow races past her,and whispers in a language she can not comprehend,teases her mind with familiarity*
*With her weight on the balls of her feet she pivots,using the dagger to slash as the shadow streaks by*
*The only sound heard,as her dagger touches darkness,is wicked laughter*
*Sudden lethargy overtakes Pamela,and she sinks slowly to the floor*
*Before she is completely passed out,Kitty comes to watch over her*
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...