08-15-2006, 04:13 AM
Kill_Slayer Wrote:How can you give away each item if they are soulbound this confuses me lol
according to what pt14 said and what you are asking, i suggest reading through the threads on jsp and seeing hwo people trade/what they trade. i haven't played WoW so i can only give advice based on what you guys are saying. if i understand you correctly, "soulbound" basically means that the character who used it 1st is the only one in the game that can actually hold / use the weapon, therefore you need to be using that character and have that wpn/armor/etc on that character in order to use it. i guess ebay your account if you can't trade the items individually, or... trade the account/items in game for in game gold then trade gold for FG on jsp. this doesnt seem like the best option anymore disappoin
take a look at what other ppl are trading, if it doesnt seem like it will work, just ebay it bro