08-30-2006, 02:22 AM
i agree.
go revive my Emo thread (which u can easily find by using search) and u can discuss emos all u want there and alot of people will gladly join the laughing-at-emos
emo **** are the worse tho.. i can stand emo chicks but gay emo guys...ew.
go revive my Emo thread (which u can easily find by using search) and u can discuss emos all u want there and alot of people will gladly join the laughing-at-emos
Quote:me thought is kinda that emo's are a waste of people *which would go good for the research of stem cells thread* thier a waste of flesh because 16 yrs down the road they kill themselves when thats perfectly good person down
emo **** are the worse tho.. i can stand emo chicks but gay emo guys...ew.