09-17-2006, 04:37 PM
DaCougarMech Wrote:simpsons was funny back when it was original and fresh
right now, family guy is the up and comer
yes but family guy is already here and wopping some simpson ass.
peter and stewie are my fav. they're so freaking funny. cuagmire
"gigity,gigity,gigity,allright" haha. clevland is a downer.
aww man forgot polic mans name. hes a crazey drunk.
the mayor-"who stole my water" lollaugh:
and the tv shows on family guys hahaha.
lets see i think family completly owns simpsons.
but also u got to give credit to homer and bart ther prity stupid funny to.
and the little cat mice show.
so both funny but family guy all the way.