09-22-2006, 07:32 AM
Ok guys I am a d2 vet and have seen many scams over the years but have fallen victom to 4. I cannot remember the dates or names of the people who scammed in 3 of the scams but I do remember the last.
1. First scamm happened way back in classic on east. I guess ever 1 that played in classic knows that gull dagger used to be fairly valuable. Well it went like this I offered 3 sojs for a gull guy goes to trade then invi is full so he goes to stash to make room and when he came back i traded but it was just a plain dagger. I have had many people try to scamm me like this since then but have never fallen for it again. I am not proud of the fact that I allowed some thing like this to happen but I think that if I was stupid enough to let it happen then i deserved it.
2. Second scam was in classic also and on east as well. I simply downlaoded a keylogger from mousepads blacklist and lost one account (later got it back naked). I guess mousepad had it on his black list for a reason. STUPID ME
3. Third scam was on west like a year and a half ago. I felt sorry for this guy and he seemed nice. I talked with him for like 2 months. He was into lld and mld and if you know what they are then you know that the lld and mld communitys aren't very large and are composed of mostly just honest vets. He was not very wealthy in the d2 world and I was filthy rich so I shared accounts with him. Once again stupid me. It cost me dearly. I lost on account and all the godlies he could pack on it before i caught him and just so every one knows i dont consider a 35 hoto godly. for me to consider some thing godly it has to truely be godly.
4. Fourth scam happened on east about 2 months ago and was by far the most costly. It cost me 4 accounts. Each one had 8 godly geared chars on it. Over half of the chars was mld and lld. To make a lld and mld char effective you have to use the best gear possible and spend much time in the planing process. These accounts were 5th generation and were me at my peak. All the chars had been remade at least 4 times. This was due to gear changes and slight variations in builds untill I deemed them perfect. My default boots were soul spurs and in a few occasions grims spurs but the thing that takes the most time and assets in mld and lld is the acquisition of charms. Which takes forever.
Any ways i believe this scam effected around 35,000 people. It goes like this, You buy a copy of d2 classic and then later buy a copy of d2 xpac. You pour your heart and soul into the development of your chars and acquiring your gear for about 5-6 years. Then just when you hit your peak and people start to know your name you go to logg on and get an account closed (8) message. If you are like me then you have bought several copys of classic and xpac games due to loss and damage over the years and not to mention all the crap blizz games that you bought over the years just because they had blizzards name on em. You try to perfect a game that blizzard either can not or will not by using a maphack and the outcome is account closed (8).
I am gonna go out on a limb here and I know it might just be my feelings on this but I believe that the biggest scammer in the d2 world is in fact its creator, none other than the BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT corp which demands perfection from its customers but is unable to provide its consumers with a perfect product.
1. First scamm happened way back in classic on east. I guess ever 1 that played in classic knows that gull dagger used to be fairly valuable. Well it went like this I offered 3 sojs for a gull guy goes to trade then invi is full so he goes to stash to make room and when he came back i traded but it was just a plain dagger. I have had many people try to scamm me like this since then but have never fallen for it again. I am not proud of the fact that I allowed some thing like this to happen but I think that if I was stupid enough to let it happen then i deserved it.
2. Second scam was in classic also and on east as well. I simply downlaoded a keylogger from mousepads blacklist and lost one account (later got it back naked). I guess mousepad had it on his black list for a reason. STUPID ME
3. Third scam was on west like a year and a half ago. I felt sorry for this guy and he seemed nice. I talked with him for like 2 months. He was into lld and mld and if you know what they are then you know that the lld and mld communitys aren't very large and are composed of mostly just honest vets. He was not very wealthy in the d2 world and I was filthy rich so I shared accounts with him. Once again stupid me. It cost me dearly. I lost on account and all the godlies he could pack on it before i caught him and just so every one knows i dont consider a 35 hoto godly. for me to consider some thing godly it has to truely be godly.
4. Fourth scam happened on east about 2 months ago and was by far the most costly. It cost me 4 accounts. Each one had 8 godly geared chars on it. Over half of the chars was mld and lld. To make a lld and mld char effective you have to use the best gear possible and spend much time in the planing process. These accounts were 5th generation and were me at my peak. All the chars had been remade at least 4 times. This was due to gear changes and slight variations in builds untill I deemed them perfect. My default boots were soul spurs and in a few occasions grims spurs but the thing that takes the most time and assets in mld and lld is the acquisition of charms. Which takes forever.
Any ways i believe this scam effected around 35,000 people. It goes like this, You buy a copy of d2 classic and then later buy a copy of d2 xpac. You pour your heart and soul into the development of your chars and acquiring your gear for about 5-6 years. Then just when you hit your peak and people start to know your name you go to logg on and get an account closed (8) message. If you are like me then you have bought several copys of classic and xpac games due to loss and damage over the years and not to mention all the crap blizz games that you bought over the years just because they had blizzards name on em. You try to perfect a game that blizzard either can not or will not by using a maphack and the outcome is account closed (8).
I am gonna go out on a limb here and I know it might just be my feelings on this but I believe that the biggest scammer in the d2 world is in fact its creator, none other than the BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT corp which demands perfection from its customers but is unable to provide its consumers with a perfect product.