09-29-2006, 04:47 AM
To add to SCF. People don't buy Xbox for Halo 2 Online. I barely ever see anyone playing it now a days. Everyone is playing Dead Rising, Madden 07, Saints Row, PGR3, and Final Fantasy XI. You can invite people that are on your list that are playing totally different games or you can even talk to them privately while both of you are playing totally different games. Actually yes, Halo CE was one of the first games I had for my original Xbox. But I played Doom 3, Tom Clancy's series, Splinter Cell, Madden, etc. everyday. Even when Halo 2 came out, I didn't only play Halo. I was mostly playing Madden, (which now I despise with a passion, sorry). For PS2 I played GTA3 for a week and got bored. Then the new ones came out and I didn't even want to buy them cuz I didn't like the original 3d game. Xbox 360 is also starting a community download center for the ordinary people to put games up for download. Didn't start yet but it should really soon. It's in the marketplace. Plus you can download demos for any game currently released. I don't know what Sony is doing with their online but I'm just going to state it now. Microsoft has had them beat in that department for 6 years. Sony is for nubs.