09-30-2006, 04:17 AM
crimson-tide Wrote:fraterperdurabo
you obivously dont know what you are looking at, dracs instead of rends?
this is a pure damage bvb, there are to types of bvbs really damage ones, and the dot 1's or as you know them ow's with posion,
yes dracs is a good option for this build if ur making a hybrid, also, ss takes 156 or 154 i forget and im to lazy to look, plus the 30 strg that you get from the ss itself you will easily have enough strg for rends, also you use mastrey gcs not combat skill gcs, wtf are you talking about check what your typing before you submit it....
I didn't come in flaming you, but the other noob, anyway, if you want to keep this going, be my guest. Anyway, you are correct on Mastery GCs, I was out of it when typing last time, so I wrote combat instead of mastery.
You don't need STR from SS to equip Steelrends, you need the STR from Dracul's to equip SS.
Yes, there indeed are 2 kinds of WW barbs, the pure damage ones and the OW ones, but in my opinion, a OW one will beat a pure damage WW one any day. +STR really does not add a lot of damage.
I have been away from my computer and Diablo for ages, just moved into a new apartment and started uni, but if I remember correctly, then: Grief + Dracul's:
200 STR
~600%ed from Mastery and WW skill (little higher mastery due to the GCs)
(48x1.15+400)x(2+6+1)=4097, after PvP penalty and full DR% = 348 dam per hit
Now, if we had instead more points in STR, let's say 300 with all gear, and used perf Steelrends:
(48x1.15+400)x(3+6+1+0.6)=4825, after PvP penalty and full DR% = 410 dam per hit.
It is up to you which one you go for, just remember that in BvB you hit very rarely, so I prefer relying on OW instead of raw damage. With Steelrends, you will need to put more points into STR, therefore you have less life. 25% OW on Dracul's is far more efficient than the 10% CB on Steelrends, especially since the effectiveness of CB is greatly reduced if the opponent has low life. IMO, Dracul's > Rends by far, then again it's up to you how you build your char (or **** it up).
eskimo Wrote:First of all your a ****ing joke you dont know what you are talking about and f you dont belive i was one of the top bvb's on my realm go to ********com/ggbvb
Second of all Steelrend's are for bvb they give gg str ed and crushing blow , and life tap is considered bad mannered in bvb so go crawl under a rock like you have been since .09.... fianly 3/20/20 are for bvb, the most important points of bvb is attack rating life defense and fianly dmg and 3/20/20's give almsot each of those element's ask any of the bvb's on uswest you will find out.....and mastry's are for your mastry and iron skin like i said def is one of the main point's in bvb so check your shit before you post it
You really are a freaking tard, are you not?
1) Life Tap is not triggered during WW. Or do you guys do BvB with Frenzy? LOL.
2) You said:
eskimo Wrote:the most important points of bvb is attack rating life defense and fianly dmgIf damage is the least important, then why do you go for Steelrends? The irony hurts like hell, bitch.
3) Yes, defense is extremely important, as is mastery and that's exactly why you use masteries skillers, not 3/20/20s, dipshit. Seriously, stop being such a joke. I wish I played West, I'd tear you apart with by bvc lol.