10-03-2006, 08:34 AM
Selling items and my accounts for money via paypal i have the following
Fist of Heaven Pali
3FOH/3Conviction/5 soket with already 5 5/5's in it 100% Legit *Permed*
Perfect 20/25 Griffons 100% Legit *Permed*
Perfect Maras
195% ed Hoz with a 5/5 die light in it
15 str 10 vit eth treks
Wizzy Gloves *Unperm* you have to perm out every game
2x 100% legit Soj's i found those myself
Perfect arachnids
18/18 Ptorch
9x Pcombats Plain
10x 20 Lifers small charms with resis 1 with defense
18/15/5 Anni
ebugged 44 resis lvl 15 defiance exile
perfect Legit COA Traded it off of B.net Forums cost me 400 hr's to get it
perfect COH
perfect maras
2x 20 dec ravens
p gores
p dracs
p verdungos
37/400 PB grief
4x 12 FHR pcombats
5x plain pcombats
10x 5 fhr sc's some with mods
6bo CTA
18/16/9 anni
20/11 ptorch
08 Valk with a 40/15 jewel *Unpermed*
cats eye amulet
perfect faith gmb bow
30 resis fort
2bo/20ias/2dex gloves
20 dex raven
30 vit dungos
imp shank boots *Unpermed*
10x 100pdsc
2x 6 dex bow gc's
1x 3 dex bow gc
6x bow gc's
i have so much more stuff i have a druid barb sorc and tons of mules filled with stuff so much stuff to list if your interested pm me on what you need if you need something thats not on the list i may have it so pm me
Fist of Heaven Pali
3FOH/3Conviction/5 soket with already 5 5/5's in it 100% Legit *Permed*
Perfect 20/25 Griffons 100% Legit *Permed*
Perfect Maras
195% ed Hoz with a 5/5 die light in it
15 str 10 vit eth treks
Wizzy Gloves *Unperm* you have to perm out every game
2x 100% legit Soj's i found those myself
Perfect arachnids
18/18 Ptorch
9x Pcombats Plain
10x 20 Lifers small charms with resis 1 with defense
18/15/5 Anni
ebugged 44 resis lvl 15 defiance exile
perfect Legit COA Traded it off of B.net Forums cost me 400 hr's to get it
perfect COH
perfect maras
2x 20 dec ravens
p gores
p dracs
p verdungos
37/400 PB grief
4x 12 FHR pcombats
5x plain pcombats
10x 5 fhr sc's some with mods
6bo CTA
18/16/9 anni
20/11 ptorch
08 Valk with a 40/15 jewel *Unpermed*
cats eye amulet
perfect faith gmb bow
30 resis fort
2bo/20ias/2dex gloves
20 dex raven
30 vit dungos
imp shank boots *Unpermed*
10x 100pdsc
2x 6 dex bow gc's
1x 3 dex bow gc
6x bow gc's
i have so much more stuff i have a druid barb sorc and tons of mules filled with stuff so much stuff to list if your interested pm me on what you need if you need something thats not on the list i may have it so pm me