10-18-2006, 09:59 AM
Well, I'm finally considering buying WoW, (I may hold off until the expansion comes). This will require me to get a computer, but from what I hear WoW is pretty forgiving on your hardware. I'm not asking you guys to list out everything I need for a comp, just what's a decent processor, graphics card, and decent ram, you know a ballpark figure of what would be a cheap comp for WoW
All the rest I can sort out for myself.
And while I was thinking about it, I've been looking into WoW and playing around with the talent calc etc, and I was thinking of making an Undead Warlock (they look so badass on those horses..) with herbalism/alchemy professions, though I don't know if that'd be a good starting class
All the rest I can sort out for myself.
And while I was thinking about it, I've been looking into WoW and playing around with the talent calc etc, and I was thinking of making an Undead Warlock (they look so badass on those horses..) with herbalism/alchemy professions, though I don't know if that'd be a good starting class