10-27-2006, 02:06 AM
I will add just a bit to this, 3/20/20s are not only very expensive and almost always unpermed but are not needed for smite. The 20life 5res small charms are fine if u need the resist but they are also almost always unpermed and are just as expensive as the 3/20/20s. I have had seversl smiters and I believe the most cost effecient way to go is 40 x 20 life scs. If your coming up short in your resist then sure add a few 20/5s but more then likely you will have to perm em every game. Of course it would work out ok if you had 9 x pcombats all with 40-45 life but I am betting that is not an option. I have built many smiters and I always choose the life over the small amount of damage that the pcombats would give you. However a +for the pcombats are of course the extra defense that they will add when you holyshield. I just thought I would go into depth a bit more than any 1 has yet, so you will kinda know what your getting yourself into.