11-01-2006, 09:19 AM
Quote:*Frai7ty stands at 6'3". He fit's himself in a dark red cloak, and has raveb black hair, and deep blue eyes. On his right hand and forearm he has a set of prayer beeds. Also his right hand looks as if it was diped in blood, and on his left simply has a glove that fits his his cloaks color.
When combat arises he is far from defenceless. He is very skilled in a martial art simply known as "The Way.". In addition he has a neerly indestrutable Katana and Wakashashi that look as if they are maid of Electrum. In addition, he is fully capable in the magickal arts (Thats Magic with a k.).*
In addation, the style known as the way, is an inherntly magical. Wuch makes him a fersome opponent. It is also very har to describe his magickal capabilitys are simply to dynamic to cover here. But mainly they only complament his physical abilites. His Katana, and Wakashashi are also inherintly anti-magical. Although that won't matter if he is not able to block a magical attack with his weapon.