05-02-2004, 01:18 AM
if you wanna use fire as your main attack, consider using fireball since it fires quick for huge damage!! if you are going to do that however, you need a good area killer like chain lightning or frozen orb. My best build was a firewall (yes firewall) thunderstorm glacial spike. The glacial spike is cheap and freezes them forever, that let's the firewall work it's magic. 1 in warmth, 20 in firewall, 20 into glacial spike, 1 in cold mastery (not very effective) 20 into fire mastery, then the rest into t-storm and mastery. If you have the good's on that gives to skills, your glacial spike synergizes very well. Remember thunderstorm is just a bonus, so don't waste too many points in that. Stats are your call, since this build really doesn't use that much mana at all.