11-03-2006, 05:58 AM
*Pamela nods to Zero and flexes her muscles to loosen up stretching and focusing on her plans*
*Taking her sword and dagger from the sheath holding them at her side she reaches for the amulate around her slender neck and carressing it,removes it from her throat.*
*Slipping deep inside herself she chants softly in an ancient language,long forgoten but powerful*
*Power from the amulate flows into her to weapons infusing them with magic and they glow brightly for a few moments as Pamela's eyes flash over to a bright crimson*
*Turning to Zero she thanks him and then sheaths her weapons.*
*Having already put Neebs down she bends and returns the kiss to his cheeck*
"Thank you my friend,I will battle well and make you proud."
*Pamela smiles anticipating the fight to come*
*Taking her sword and dagger from the sheath holding them at her side she reaches for the amulate around her slender neck and carressing it,removes it from her throat.*
*Slipping deep inside herself she chants softly in an ancient language,long forgoten but powerful*
*Power from the amulate flows into her to weapons infusing them with magic and they glow brightly for a few moments as Pamela's eyes flash over to a bright crimson*
*Turning to Zero she thanks him and then sheaths her weapons.*
*Having already put Neebs down she bends and returns the kiss to his cheeck*
"Thank you my friend,I will battle well and make you proud."
*Pamela smiles anticipating the fight to come*
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...