11-25-2006, 10:03 AM
*Neebs is catapulted accross the floor from the impact of the lightening bolt,
*Rolling accross the floor a little ways he struggles to his feet,
*Neebs holds his shoulder for a moment clearly in a bit of pain
hehe I wanna play with lightening too
*Neebs eyes turn a purple colour as he flings his arms wide 2 large balls of lightening emerge from his hands and start to travel around the edge of the carvern
*Fixing his eyes on zerok he slams his hands together and aiming them at him and releases 6 smaller balls of lightening
*The smaller 6 fly straight at zerok on his ledge
*The first zerok deflects with his sword
*The second zerok dodges with a quick sidestep
*The third zerok deflects with his sword again this time only narrowly knocking it past his head
*The fourth misses zerok narowly grazing his hip
*The fith slamps into zeroks shoulder knocking him off balance
*The sixth catches zerok in the chest making him stumble back a few paces
*regaining his balance zerok looks up to see the 2 larger lightening balls have nearly completed their looping circle around the chamber and are nearly on him
*With lightening reflexs zerok jumps back
*The larger lightening balls colide in the space that was previously occupied by zerok
*The explosion they create is defening and catapoltes zerok off his ledge and against the chamber wall
*zerok bounces off the wall and falls to the ground below, his sword embedding itself in the earth beside him
*Neebs summons more elemental balls to orbit him and makes ready should zerok be able to rise
*Rolling accross the floor a little ways he struggles to his feet,
*Neebs holds his shoulder for a moment clearly in a bit of pain
hehe I wanna play with lightening too
*Neebs eyes turn a purple colour as he flings his arms wide 2 large balls of lightening emerge from his hands and start to travel around the edge of the carvern
*Fixing his eyes on zerok he slams his hands together and aiming them at him and releases 6 smaller balls of lightening
*The smaller 6 fly straight at zerok on his ledge
*The first zerok deflects with his sword
*The second zerok dodges with a quick sidestep
*The third zerok deflects with his sword again this time only narrowly knocking it past his head
*The fourth misses zerok narowly grazing his hip
*The fith slamps into zeroks shoulder knocking him off balance
*The sixth catches zerok in the chest making him stumble back a few paces
*regaining his balance zerok looks up to see the 2 larger lightening balls have nearly completed their looping circle around the chamber and are nearly on him
*With lightening reflexs zerok jumps back
*The larger lightening balls colide in the space that was previously occupied by zerok
*The explosion they create is defening and catapoltes zerok off his ledge and against the chamber wall
*zerok bounces off the wall and falls to the ground below, his sword embedding itself in the earth beside him
*Neebs summons more elemental balls to orbit him and makes ready should zerok be able to rise