12-09-2006, 07:24 AM
Pamela Wrote:I like Dan Rathers choice of last words as I was born in Texas.
"Texas born and Texas bred.When I die I will be Texas dead."
Fuggle Wrote:It'd be more along the lines of "Ah ****!", because I know I won't die on a deathbed, I'll be like doing something normal, and something totally obscure will come out and smite me down.
Pamela Wrote:It depends on HOW I die. If sudden death you possibly get a chance to widen your eyes some and think*Oh Shit* If lingering death mine would be *I hope I made people smile*Hence the hit by a truck part....Probably more like a semi-tractor trailer.
So of course I will be hit by a truck and probably just blink and croak.
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...