12-10-2006, 01:16 PM
{Allpone stands a room away noticing that Venom is in the other room.}
{He takes off his glove and places his hand to the floor a small flame is born.}
{Allpone directs the flame along the edges of the room that venom is in the flame continues up the corners of the wall till the hole out line of the room is surrounded by the small fire trail.}
{The fire from the edges burst out ward engulfing the room with flames catching on to all the furniture and surroundings, filling the room with smoke.}
Venom has now found himself in the middle of a smoke filled, blazing room all around.
{Allpone grins.}
“Thought Id return the favor and reverse it. See you soon friend.”
{Allpone vanishes to another area of the cathedral.}
{He takes off his glove and places his hand to the floor a small flame is born.}
{Allpone directs the flame along the edges of the room that venom is in the flame continues up the corners of the wall till the hole out line of the room is surrounded by the small fire trail.}
{The fire from the edges burst out ward engulfing the room with flames catching on to all the furniture and surroundings, filling the room with smoke.}
Venom has now found himself in the middle of a smoke filled, blazing room all around.
{Allpone grins.}
“Thought Id return the favor and reverse it. See you soon friend.”
{Allpone vanishes to another area of the cathedral.}