12-15-2006, 01:13 PM
{Allpone sets in his tree clearly amused with the events that continue to take place he holds a mischievous grin.}
{mumbles to self}
{Hearing a sound behind him Allpone turns and notices the very large new comer muttering and talking to no one . Allpone jumps down from his tree and flipping his hood over his head and walks over to the large being.(not sure yet of his race) Allpone not exactly being one of respecter of persons and not really trusting any one quite yet he in a solemn way introduces him self .}
"I am Allpone. I wouldn’t worry about the door plenty of servants around here to fix it and surly by now you have notice that no one is in the bar there all at the arena. There are plenty off seats, enjoy and here {hands a gold coin to the large being.} first pints on me."
{Allpone walks back to his tree were he lift Khal’Urvho. His face still hidden by his hood as it dose & he climbs back up the large tree so he may see the match that is about to begin.}
{mumbles to self}
{Hearing a sound behind him Allpone turns and notices the very large new comer muttering and talking to no one . Allpone jumps down from his tree and flipping his hood over his head and walks over to the large being.(not sure yet of his race) Allpone not exactly being one of respecter of persons and not really trusting any one quite yet he in a solemn way introduces him self .}
"I am Allpone. I wouldn’t worry about the door plenty of servants around here to fix it and surly by now you have notice that no one is in the bar there all at the arena. There are plenty off seats, enjoy and here {hands a gold coin to the large being.} first pints on me."
{Allpone walks back to his tree were he lift Khal’Urvho. His face still hidden by his hood as it dose & he climbs back up the large tree so he may see the match that is about to begin.}