Name: Frai7ty (Although, if we can name our characters something else, it would be Innocent Death.)
Title: Elder Brother
Creature: Human
Apprent Age: 23
Hight: 6'3" 2/3
Hair: Raven Black
Eye Color: Bright Blue.
Class: Mage/Monk
Description: Tall, and handsome, yet subtle. He walks like one who knows the way of batlle. His Firey and fatalistic spirit are almost palpable. Yet, he seems to have a slightly depressing aura. He garbs himself in a Dark red, almost balck cloak. Under them, he wares a Blessing Brocade Suit (So you know what it looks like). Right hand, there is a blood red stain, as if it was dipped in blood. On his left, a simple silk glove, wuch is black.
Magic/Style: His magic, and style of Martial Art are one and the same. It is indeed his Martial Art, that allows him to do his feets of superhuman skill and grace. His art of Do (The Way) allows him to rederect kenetic energy into surrounding environment. It is also possable for him to move through space, and enhace his speed to truly spectacular levels. He may also disable his oponents by hiting chi points on the body. His magic is self empowering, he may not do things like throw fire balls. As a rule of thumb, he may only affect things in his close surroundings.
Weapons: He has but 4.
He has his Katana. It is compleatly indestuctable, and is light as if it were made of alumanum. It holds a keen edge, ans as an added bonus it is compleaty immune to magicks other than his own. As a desciptive addition it has tasle on the end, with a gold coin one the end, wuch reflects more light than it receves.
His Wakashashi is as above, only smaller.
His Prayer beeds are just that, prayer beeds. Each are unique, in a latter edit, I will descriobe the prayer on each one. And its affects. These are alwase wriped along his right hand.
His golden longswond is his only real artifact of power. First off, it is bound to him derectly, you could no more make him drop it, than he could his wn hand. It also has the capability to "burn" away taint that flows with corupt creatures, and places. This is extreemly painfull to those who are touched by it. Last, but not least, is may rend the barrier that seperates the spirit lands form the material, allowing him, and his allys to pass through the rended gate.
If you have any questions, please tell me.
Title: Elder Brother
Creature: Human
Apprent Age: 23
Hight: 6'3" 2/3
Hair: Raven Black
Eye Color: Bright Blue.
Class: Mage/Monk
Description: Tall, and handsome, yet subtle. He walks like one who knows the way of batlle. His Firey and fatalistic spirit are almost palpable. Yet, he seems to have a slightly depressing aura. He garbs himself in a Dark red, almost balck cloak. Under them, he wares a Blessing Brocade Suit (So you know what it looks like). Right hand, there is a blood red stain, as if it was dipped in blood. On his left, a simple silk glove, wuch is black.
Magic/Style: His magic, and style of Martial Art are one and the same. It is indeed his Martial Art, that allows him to do his feets of superhuman skill and grace. His art of Do (The Way) allows him to rederect kenetic energy into surrounding environment. It is also possable for him to move through space, and enhace his speed to truly spectacular levels. He may also disable his oponents by hiting chi points on the body. His magic is self empowering, he may not do things like throw fire balls. As a rule of thumb, he may only affect things in his close surroundings.
Weapons: He has but 4.
He has his Katana. It is compleatly indestuctable, and is light as if it were made of alumanum. It holds a keen edge, ans as an added bonus it is compleaty immune to magicks other than his own. As a desciptive addition it has tasle on the end, with a gold coin one the end, wuch reflects more light than it receves.
His Wakashashi is as above, only smaller.
His Prayer beeds are just that, prayer beeds. Each are unique, in a latter edit, I will descriobe the prayer on each one. And its affects. These are alwase wriped along his right hand.
His golden longswond is his only real artifact of power. First off, it is bound to him derectly, you could no more make him drop it, than he could his wn hand. It also has the capability to "burn" away taint that flows with corupt creatures, and places. This is extreemly painfull to those who are touched by it. Last, but not least, is may rend the barrier that seperates the spirit lands form the material, allowing him, and his allys to pass through the rended gate.
If you have any questions, please tell me.