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History & Life of Allpone

Allpone is one with a large past and many journeys. He is a servant of the great dragon (The God of his race which is a story in its self.)

Race - Allpone is an Irekei. Scholars have said that the Irekei our a decedent of the elves though a true Irekei would never admit this, and would be insulted if so called one Irekei are a proud race who have never liked or got along with other races. Allpone is suspicious of every one and has a hard time with trusting others . Irekei our born out of the dragons fire and raised in the hot desert of the burning suns (also known as the great sands) were they are then left to fend for them selves at age 4 for 100 years. They are left there but with only 2 daggers if they survive this trial they can reunite with there clan and are considered blessed by the dragon.

Appearance - Allpone stands at 6” tall his skin is a dark red. His hair black as coal short and spiky. His eyes are a dark ruby red color. His ears are pointed as a elves would be. His body not bulky mussel but chiseled and soled & scared from his hard life. He travels with 2 different sets of armor. One is a dark black fur/leather light armor. The other is a dark black dragon scale armor both sets similar in style and appearance but those with a keen eye can notice the dragon scale has a sense of power from it. He also has 2 hooded cloaks the same as his armor one leather/fur and the other dragon scale.

More fast history - (Allpone has found great favor with the dragon and many gifts have been given to him for this the dragon scale armor and cloak for one and the power of the profits is another.)

Weapons - Allpone carries many throwing knifes most counseled and out of sight not to bring attention to him self. He has 2 great daggers that also seem to have a great power coming from them (also gifts from the dragon) he keeps one on each hip.(He is a master knifes men.) On his back he carries what seems to be a regular bow and sheaf.

Powers, Skills, Weaknesses, Tricks, and Such - Unknown to all for he is a stranger in these lands and wont reveal incase he must battle. (There are specks for all his attributes and there not limitless if necessary I will send them to who I must.)

Personality - Not aggressive, calm tempered (through years of humility and trials his nature has changed from what it once was hot tempered arrogant and quick to kill, which is how he was raised to once be and believe. Also another story in its self) He is quite and to himself trying not to medal in the affairs of others.(Except when hired to do other wise.) When he is finely pushed to his limit more than likely you wouldn’t want to be around.

Professions - Hunter, thief, assassin, ranger, rouge type Master of herbs. (Which dose well for cooking J and healing & many other things.)

[SIZE=2](More info will follow, this is a brief summery the life and stories will come in time. Some things may change.)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=3]Allpones list of Power[/SIZE]

[SIZE=2]These abilities will be divided by professions and class.

- Being born out of fire, fire has no damaging effect on Allpone rather he absorbs it and it increase his strength and energy fire is at Allpones biding

Power of L'alar Khalinka - This power is the power of fire hands very strong unarmed combat ability from his forearm up his hands become a blue flame that he can attack as though he had weapons in his hands. This power combines with his daggers (that were a gift from the dragon) the flame when holding his daggers engulf them as well becoming a very powerful weapon. (more to be explained later)

Heal - Allpone has a direct healing ability that he is able to use if he gets enough time and his knowledge of herbs is extensive growing up in the wilds.


- Allpones invisibility is a rare type it is non detectable and can not be sensed or tracked in any way. Those who try get rather confused and thoughts get shadowed being a master thief assassin and hunter this has been a great ability. He must come out of it before he attacks also the first few times he uses it, it is nothing but child’s play but as time progresses in battle his energy may be low and it might take him a second or more. This being one of his greatest abilities. His attack power on his first attack coming out of stealth is double what it normally would be. Making that fist attack deadly.

Teleportation - Allpone has the ability to teleport but only to places in the near by area like the range of 400 meters this is useful for getting into hard places or past walls but can only be used once every so often to use it in battle would be a one time thing and he would have to wait quite a while to use it again.

Slide of hand - Allpone has the ability to steel very well. Sneaking in or pick pocketing what ever is necessary for the task at hand. What one might think is secure on themselves may easily be removed by a good thief.

Lock picking - Locks are no match for well trained, steady hand.


Multi persons
- Allpone is able to create an ablution of sorts that brings 7 of himself to true vision only the real one has the ability to attack but the others make a fine distraction combine this with his ability to stay hidden and confuse those who try to find him it is a deadly distraction.

Death strike - Allpone has the knowledge precisely were to strike for a killing blow. Casing more or even less pain. This ability can only be used the instant he comes out of invisibility making his attack double the power/damage against his advisory.

Poison strike - Allpones herb knowledge has taught him to poison his blades from any ware to deadly poisons to those that will make you sleep or case no filling in your body and many more.


Detection and Senses
- Allpone has another rare talent that is deferent than others abilities he is able to track and sense things around him so it is worthless to hide, Allpone can use this power of detection to revile the unseen. Along this same category and touched on before but I feel it is important to say it again Allpone can not be tracked or sensed those who try to find him will just be more confused than they were.

Beast sight - Allpone can see what Khal’Urvho can see. Making it easy to scout ahead and find ones way or a foe.

Traps - Allpone has the knowledge of devises to capture or harm. He is able to hide and conceal these devises very well.


Allpones Zik
- Allpones Zik are his 2 main dagger (a gift from the dragon) these daggers are to be unbreakable and have the ability to cut/stab through any substance as many weapons in this land are. The unique thing about these daggers is this, they have the ability to drain energy(health), power from who they contact. The blade is 14 inch long and on the other side of the handle is a small 4 inch blade both daggers are identical and there full powers have yet to be discovered but this is one fact they can only be wielded by Allpone they are useless in the hands of another.(beside these daggers, Allpone carries many other regular throwing knifes)

Allpones Khal’Worhi - This is Allpones Bow Not much is known about this bow but what is known is that it has the ability to shoot fire arrows nothing to amazing but Allpones ability to handle fire allows him the ability to shoot fire from this bow creating a hard impact if his arrow hits his target which it Rarely misses.


Allpones Nkurakar armor - This is Allpones dragon scale armor. (a gift from the dragon) This armor is impenetrable making it so Allpone will never be cut by any blade not to say he wont be damaged and even possibly killed, but no blade will make it through his Nkurakar armor. This armor also protects against the cold the inside is lined with fire keeping Allpone amazingly hot at all times. Also it has some magic resistance, absorbing some of the blast if hit. This armor covers head, arms, torso, hands, legs, and feet.


Allpones over view
- Allpone is extremely agile and fast, non can seem to match his speed. His speed/dexterity is amazing able to move doge and strike at the greatest of speeds. His strength is average were he lacks in strength he makes up for in cunning and speed. His inelegance is great living a long life he has experienced much and has much knowledge to share his magic ability is little to non beside the gifts that are written they are done by skill and discipline not magic. Allpone is very cunning and persuasive . Words can be used as a weapon if use right or even get him a good deal on some goods he might be trying to buy.

Allpones weakness - There is a list but it will not be posted for fear it be used aginst him. Those who need it have it already.

The Khal’Urvho - Khal’Urvho is Allpones phoenix a blue fire bird able to attack and throw fire from its feathers as thou they were darts Khal’Urvho and Allpone have a unique bond with one another Khal’Urvho can unit with Allpone adding energy health and strength and speed to him. Useful for when Allpone is down and out to bring him back for a second go.

(All things are subject to change being added to or subtracted from suggestions and comments are welcome but will be taken with a grain of salt.)

Messages In This Thread
History & Life of Allpone - by Allpone - 12-20-2006, 12:23 AM
History & Life of Allpone - by Pamela - 12-26-2006, 02:48 AM
History & Life of Allpone - by Allpone - 12-26-2006, 03:19 AM
History & Life of Allpone - by Pamela - 12-26-2006, 05:33 AM
History & Life of Allpone - by Venom - 12-28-2006, 03:21 PM
History & Life of Allpone - by Allpone - 01-24-2007, 04:57 AM

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