12-25-2006, 02:19 PM
{Allpone having been in his tree for several hours watching things as they progress decides to take Khal’Urvho and grab a bite to eat in the bar. Walking in he sees a server girl all alone wiping down counters and cleaning up. Allpone makes his way to is usual table and waits for the server girl to get his order . }
Allpone speaks : “ So what did you do that makes it wear you have to miss the arena events ? ”
She replies in a sassy way : “ Maybe the better question is why aren’t you watching them still ?”
{Things go silent the server girl now approaches the table and Allpone says what he wants to eat along with a glass of water. Then the server girl slips off to the back to prepare the meal.}
Allpone speaks : “ So what did you do that makes it wear you have to miss the arena events ? ”
She replies in a sassy way : “ Maybe the better question is why aren’t you watching them still ?”
{Things go silent the server girl now approaches the table and Allpone says what he wants to eat along with a glass of water. Then the server girl slips off to the back to prepare the meal.}