05-03-2004, 01:26 PM
FarvaRules Wrote:i'd only put shiver to 10...b/c sorc's have so many pluses to skills from equipi'd put 1 in shiver, it goes to lvl 12-13 or so anyway with my equipment
i'd try pindle and use this
Fully syng blizzard
max cold mastery
ptopaz shako
viper torc
eth ptopaz ire
6 ist sword
4 ist monarch or other 4 soc shield
2 p nagels
perf travs
thats 729% so far at lvl 99, 720 at 90.........
30x 7% smfcs=
939% magic find
with lvl 24 blizz but max cold mastery should hold out for pindle anyway
and get a merc with eth shaft eth gaze and perf-eth bonehew for when hes cold immune
its a bit of a drain on + to skills but it works