01-20-2007, 03:57 AM
Ael.Sys666-D)A( Wrote:I wonder what the legal routes would be for this lady. After all the plate was issued by the state, an I dont know about where ya'll live, but here in Pa, our tags are still "Property of the state" even though they are attached to our car/motocycles ect.. I think i would make for an interesting lawsuit, based on the fact, that now it appears if someone "thinks" something means another thing, they can take it away. Makes ya wonder...... For example, if you claim your neighbor is a drug dealer, but have no hard proof, does that mean that they get all their property taken from them, just cause you "thought" they were something, that they are not? (ie: Eminent Domain)
You make a great point my friend. I just don't understand why you can do something based on what people "thinK" it means. It is just so retarded. The problem is im pretty sure in Every state your Plates are property of the State in which you live. So im sure there is not much you can do.
It is very weird though because I see plates that are about peoples drinking habits and all sorts of stuff and they let that go...